The Mitchell tower of this university houses a 21cwt ring of ten which were cast and hung in 1908 by Mears & Stainbank of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry. The bells have always been notoriously difficult to ring due to excessive tower movement.
A new ring of ten with a tenor bell weighing 18cwt will be cast and hung with all new fittings in a new galvanised steel bell frame lower in the tower. A new sound control system will also be installed.
The old ring of ten will be hung dead above these in a separate galvanised steel bell frame and fitted with an automatic chiming system.
* Bells, Bell Frames and Fittings are now with the shippers on their way to Chicago.
* The bells, their fittings and framework have been lifted into the tower and are being hung.
* The bells have been hung and are ringable.