This 13 cwt ring of eight is to be augmented to ten. A major restoration was carried out in 1916 when Taylor's recast the back six and hung them with all new fittings in a new oak bell frame for eight. The 2nd of eight - a 1908 Taylor bell from St Alkmund's, Derby, and a new treble bell cast by Whitechapel - were added in 1973 to complete the octave.
The parish has now placed an order for two new trebles to be cast to augment the ring to ten, and for the old treble to be recast. An extension bell frame of galvanised steel will be manufactured and sited above the main bell frame. This will house bells 2 & 7, with some of the other bells being relocated to different pits.
These bells were cast on 21st March.
The new headstocks have been cast and are having their gudgeons fitted.
The bells have been cleaned by sandblasting.
The bells have been tuned.
The headstocks are being fitted.
The extension bell frame has been fabricated and awaits galvanising.
Rehanging work is underway.
The try out of the augmented ring of ten will take place this evening - 28th June.